
Resource Directory Workgroup

Date: December 4, 2023
Time: 11:00 am - 12:30 pm


Link: Register for Zoom meeting

This group is open to those who work with Resource Directories and want to help develop a solution to stewardship and management of the Connect2 Community Resource Directory. 

Meets twice a month through December 4th. 2024 dates to be determined by the workgroup. 

Next meetings: 

  • 10/23, 11-12:30 
  • 11/6, 11-12:30 
  • 11/20, 11-12:30 
  • 12/4, 11-12:30 

Registration: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZItf-GgqjwsE9YNtRjZmPiMTlNF4wgqMOBr 
